Excellerated Business Schools® — Money & You®
All Excellerated programs and products utilize a revolutionary teaching method “Excellerated Learning” that delivers more information in less time.
Based on over 40 years of extensive research and development into the strategies and winning formulas of the world’s best entrepreneurs, investors and fastest growing companies, we have identified why some people are more successful than others financially, mentally, emotionally, and physically and enjoy greater quality of life.
We deliver this information to you – with the promise of lasting, life-long change.
Excellerated Programs will change your life.

You learn through actually experiencing and applying this wealth-building knowledge – right there and then as you participate. You make connections with graduates from North America, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Taiwan, Hong Kong and throughout China.
Significant changes can happen today.
Traditional educational environments typically bombard you with information and motivate learning via individual competition – who’s smarter-than-whom – and the fear of failure. Our interactive learning process allows you to use what you learn today.
Excellerated’s goal is for you to achieve your business and personal goals. We offer the tools and customized strategies to make your DREAMS come true!
Mission Statement
Excellerated is dedicated to providing the highest quality transformational, entrepreneurial education – worldwide – making a positive difference in the lives of people, their families, and to organizations. This education will assist the participants in achieving their highest potential – being empowered and provided with the best tools and leadership available to becoming successful and to achieve financial freedom – and for those who choose, to evolve into being great leaders in their fields of endeavor and contribute to society, which will eventually assist our cause to end scarcity, poverty, and hunger.
Dame DC Cordova
CEO, Global Business Developer, Sustainability Entrepreneur, Ambassador of New Education, Mentor of Nurturing
Dame DC Cordova owns Excellerated Business Schools® for Entrepreneurs and Money & You®. Her business is a global organization that has over 140,000 graduates from around the world. She and her team have had a profound influence in the Asian Pacific region, and in North America. The programs are taught in English and Chinese. Dame DC Cordova is a successful Latin woman, and is expanding her programs to be taught in Spanish, and other languages. Many of today’s most well known wealth, and business, authors and trainers have attended Dame DC Cordova’s, Money & You programs. Her training has transformed the way they teach, and run their organizations.
Through these graduates, including Robert T. Kiyosaki, the author of the best selling book, Rich Dad/Poor Dad, her business partner of 9 years, and their organizations, have touched the lives of millions all over the world. The essence of her work is to add value to humanity, not just focus on the bottom line.
Dame DC Cordova’s stated purpose is to “uplift humanity’s consciousness through socially-responsible businesses.” Leading by example, DC is a philanthropist, and humanitarian. DC (as she is affectionately known) is an Ambassador of New Education . DC is tireless in her pursuit to transform educational systems around the world, and eradicate poverty and hunger. DC is a Mentor of Nurturing, through her work with high-level entrepreneurs and business leaders.
DC is now expanding her work to the renewable energy field. She’s in partnership as Global Business Developer with Huang Ming, a billionaire with heart, and one of the world’s leading green entrepreneurs. Huang Ming. He a winner of the Right Livelyhood Award (the alternative Nobel Prize). He built the first Solar Valley in Dezhou, China – a city with over 7 million people that use renewables; and is the man responsible for the passing of the first green law in China: http://www.excellerated.com/huang-ming
Dame DC Cordova was part of the group of pioneers led Marshall Thurber and Bobbi DePorter of http://www.SuperCamp.com, that developed the transformational, experiential, entrepreneurial training industry. She inherited the work over 30 years ago and through countless partners, associates, teams, graduates and the support of many, she has grown a global organization that uses a licensing model. Licensing her work has allowed her the time independence to expand her business endeavors into energy renewables, and to continue her humanitarian efforts. She has reached this level of success by utilizing the many tools, principles and systems taught in the Excellerated programs, and her numerous publications.
Dame DC Cordova is one of the contributors to the book, Think & Grow Rich for Women. She is the author of the comprehensive systems manual, Money Making Systems. Best selling authors, ask her to be a contributor in, and to write forewords for many of their books. DC is a sought-after speaker, and has spoken on hundreds of stages, podcasts, tele-seminars, summits and has participated in dozens of motivational films, TV, and Internet shows.
She has been interviewed around the world, in every type of media, and hosted the Money & You Radio Show. She is active in many Social Media platforms, and thoroughly enjoys keeping up with the latest technological marvels. She uses her skills to promote the dissemination of information that supports “a world that works for 100% of humanity”.
She is driven to move the world from a paradigm of scarcity, to sufficiency, thus creating abundant resources for all.
Dame DC Cordova, is a founding member of the Transformational Leadership Council (TLC), and the Southern California Association of Transformational Leaders (ATL); a facilitator and contributor for the Pachamama Alliance organization; a member of the Australian entrepreneurial network: http://www.unstoppables.com.au; a Council member of Women Speakers’ Association; Asia Pacific development consultant /member of board of advisors of SuperLab; international business development advisor for The California Women’s Conference.
She supports numerous non-profits, foundations, and humanitarian organizations as mentor and champion. Most recently DC created the Humanitarian Mastermind Series. This program is designed to educate humanitarians around the world, with powerful,, and proven business, and organizational tools.
On her birthday, Nov. 14, 2010, DC was Knighted as Dame of Honor by The Sovereign Order of the Orthodox Knights Hospitaller of Saint John of Jerusalem – name changed to: Orthodox Order of St. John – Russian Grand Priory (the oldest Humanitarian Order in the world) for her lifelong service to humanity. On January 2013, she was advanced to Dame Commander of Grace for her contribution to the growth of the Order. http://oosj-rgp.org
For more information about Dame DC Cordova and her work –
Money & You™ Book Series: http://www.MoneyandYou.com/Book
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/dccordova/
Money & You®: http://www.MoneyandYou.com
Global Web site: http://www.Excellerated.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/dccordova
Twitter: http://www.Twitter.com/DCCordova @MoneyandYou @DCCordova
Radio Interviews with Masters: http://www.MoneyandYouRadio.com
Live Interview with Grant Lewers: http://www.theroomlive.com
E-mail: info@moneyandyou.com
Office Phone: + 1-619-224-8880
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